Yin Lanhua

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-05-17viewed:10

Exclusive Interviews with Alumni | Yin Lanhua: Lifelong Learning: The Knowledge-Driven Path To Managerial Success

Yin Lanhua, female, born in 1987, MBA alumni of the School of Business Administration (SBA), Class of 2016, was the secretary general of the MBA Student Union, and is now the director of the trading center of the real estate division of Anjuke Group.

I studied at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) when I was a primary manager. And I'm currently the Director of Operations for the group. The promotion has allowed me to feel the opening up of my mind, which is also the process of combining what I have learned at ZUEL with my work. To summarize, I have the following three insights.

1. Stage of knowledge seeking based on management needs.

When I first enter a management position, I have expertise in a certain field, but when it comes to imparting it to others, there are some difficulties and I need to think of ways to guide them. The lack of management tools makes me constantly search for all kinds of instrumental books. Therefore, when I entered the school at this period, I always hoped that our teachers could teach us more practical courses, such as accounting and finance to let me understand the financial reports, human resource management courses on how to deal with employee disputes, as well as statistical methods, mathematical models of deduction and other courses. All of them will allow me to find a tool that can be used to obtain high returns with low costs, and in these classes I can learn and use them now, and we also like these courses very much.

2. Expansion phase based on resource synergies.

The change in management, along with the diversity of the team's work content, will gradually shift towards resource synergy. Managers need to spend more time to coordinate external resources and promote various projects. Each team has its own KPIs and core demands, and how to harmonize them is the most difficult problem at this stage. When we studied at the ZUEL, the teachers started with tools and basic subjects, and introduced a lot of case studies to broaden our way of thinking and to think in a more comprehensive perspective, while the SBA also organized case studies competitions to strengthen our practical skills in communication.

3. Coaching Leadership Stage Based on Co-enabling Vision.

The fundamental reason for the vitality of an organization is that everyone in the organization has the initiative and is always on the way of exploration. How to make employees stay enthusiastic and start a vision together is a topic that we have encountered only after graduation. In recent years, most of us are in industries that have experienced policy fluctuations, industry changes, offline to online conversion, why some companies can seize the opportunity, but some are eliminated. After graduation, I visited the industry gurus and SBA alumni exchanges, so I found that successful people do things using the most basic principles, such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we have learned many times, but when doing customer analysis, we often ignore. For example, in the strategic management course, we have learned a variety of models for strategic analysis, PEST, SWOT, these models are never out of date, but only inside the influencing factors will continue to change. We will benefit from the basic theories taught by our teachers in the classroom for the rest of our lives.

I have benefited a lot from the education of MBA of ZUEL, especially investors should combine analytical tools and methodological formulas from various traditional disciplines. The use of theoretical foundation is called practice, and the use of no theoretical foundation is called experimentation, and the high success rate of the theoretical armament is crucial for us. I am very glad to have studied at the MBA of ZUEL, which has benefited me for a lifetime.